Abidjan Metro Line 1

Project Type

Rapid Transit


Abidjan, Ivory Coast


37.5 km




New Line



540,000 ppd

Project Start


Contract Awarded


US $1.56 B


France (100%)

Contract Type


Project Owner

Ministry of Transport, Ivory Coast


The Abidjan Metro, also known as Metro d’Abidjan, is a rapid transit network that will connect Anyama, a suburb in the north, to Port-Bouët in the south of Abidjan, Ivory Coast. The project is part of the Government’s initiative to address traffic congestion in the city of Abidjan. The Abidjan metro will carry more than 500,000 passengers per day.

The metro project involves the construction of 37.5 km of double-track rail line, 24 bridges, 34 footbridges for pedestrians, eight underpasses, and a viaduct over the Ebrié lagoon.The metro route will connect seven municipalities in Abidjan: Anyama, Abobo, Adjame, Plateau, Treichville, Marcory and Port-Bouët.

The line will share approximately 32.5 km of the existing right-of-way of the Abidjan-Ouagadougou metric railway line.

The line will be equipped with next-generation Communication Based Train Control (CBTC) system which will ensure improved train regularity and maximum safety. Alstom will supply 20 five-car Metropolis trains with a design speed of 90 km/h. The operational speed of the trains will be 80 km/h.


Main Contractor

Joint Venture – Société des Transports Abidjanais sur Rail (STAR)

JV Partners

Bouygues Travaux Publics: A subsidiary of Bouygues Construction. Consortium head and is responsible for the coordination and civil engineering.

Colas Rail: Track, overhead electrification & traction power supply, ticketing, audio and video systems

Alstom:  Rolling stock, signalling, telecommunications, depot equipment, system integration

Keolis Group: Operation & maintenance


No awards yet.

Recent Developments

Ivorian authorities in charge of the project sign addendum no. 2 approving the technical and financial offer submitted by the Abidjan rail transport company Star-Société des Transports Abidjanais sur Rail (STAR). The addendum confirms the route of the future Line 1 of the Abidjan metro network.

Following a council of ministers, the Ivory Coast Govt acquires the shares of Hyundai Rotem (33%) and Dongsan Engineering (9%). Govt now becomes majority shareholder in the project (42%).

A French-South Korean consortium of DTP Terrassement, Bouygues Travaux Publics, Hyundai Rotem, and Dongsan Engineering signed an initial agreement to build the 37-km Abidjan Metro Line 1.

Hyundai Rotem is to supply rolling stock and signalling, Dongsan Engineering is to supply electrification, while DTP Terrassement and Bouygues Travaux Publics will be responsible for the engineering work.


The French-South Korean consortium signs a build-operate-transfer (BOT) concession agreement for Abidjan Metro Line 1. A new member, Keolis, is to operate and maintain the line.

The consortium comprises Bouygues subsidiaries DTP Terrassement and Bouygues Travaux Publics (33%), Hyundai Rotem (33%), Keolis (25%) and Dongsan Engineering (9%).

Project Documents
